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Blogs & vlogs .

  • CV Thought - Should I Include Company Descriptions on my CV?

    almost 6 years ago by Peter Duong

    Candidates often ask us whether they should include a description or summary of the companies for which they've worked. We say yes, it is a good idea and we highly recommend it. It doesn't need to be lengthy, only one to two lines should suffice - as long as it contains relevant information such as the industry the company operates in, the product or service they provi...

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    Datasii Blog Post   Include Company Descriptions
  • CV Thought - How Long Should a CV Be?

    about 6 years ago by Peter Duong

    "What should the length of my CV be?" That is a question we come across almost daily when speaking with job applicants and candidates. Our answer would be something along the lines of "however long it takes for you to fit your relevant experience and information, so 2-4 pages should be okay. Just be concise". We'd then be met with the remark "I thought CV's shouldn'...

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    Linked In Post   Cv Tips
  • Using Side Projects to Build Your CV as a Data Scientist and Software Engineer

    about 6 years ago by Peter Duong

    *From the Recruitment Perspective* One of the greatest aspects about being a Data Scientist, Analyst and Software Engineer/Developer: Your skills and experience are not just limited to what you do at work. That’s a big differentiation between these fields and other career paths. There are opportunities for you to take on side projects to continue to practice, strengthe...

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    Datasii Website   Using Side Projects To Build Your Cv
  • Virtual Interviews Are on the Rise. Here Are Some Practical Tips to Prepare for Them

    about 6 years ago by Peter Duong

    Just this week, it hit me. Virtual interviews are on the rise. I’ve been in the recruitment industry for 5-ish years now. For four of those years almost every interview I’ve organised between candidates and potential employers have been the “traditional” in-person interview. In the last year however, I’ve noticed a considerable increase in the number of interviews organis...

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    Datasii Blog   Virtual Interview Tips
  • The Power of Storytelling in an Interview

    about 6 years ago by Peter Duong

    Interviews can be at times difficult for both the candidate and hiring manager. It's because we often focus too much on things such as technical skills and not enough on the person's character. To discover one's character is to find out about their story and how they got to where they are.     

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    You Tube   Storytelling In Interviews
  • Data Analytics: Top 4 Jobs and Careers

    over 6 years ago

    Data Analytics is an evolving and fast-growing field. Therefore, so are the careers within it. So, what are the types of roles that one can transition to when it comes to Data Analytics? While the answer is not strict and compartmentalized, Rohit Sharma, Program Director for UpGrad and IIIT Bangalore's Data Analytics Program, tries to chalk out the various roles that exist i...

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    Data Science Vs
  • How to become a Data Analyst

    over 6 years ago by Peter Duong

    How to become a Data Analyst is one of the most asked Career Transition Questions. Transitioning to the field of Data Analytics may not sound easy to do - given the nature of the career and how highly technical the domain is. But we bring to you a plan that will make the transition as smooth as possible. In the 3rd Data Analytics video of the UpGrad Careers-In-Shorts Series,...

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